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Upgrade your sweet treats this Halloween! Candy sales peak at Halloween and that makes sense for a holiday that is literally built around collecting up as much of the yummies as possible. A recent Trax survey of 8,000 candy lovers found that chocolate reigns supreme with 91% of people preferring the taste of cocoa to any other treat. But 46% of us have a secret stash of candy (you know, for those unexpected sweet tooth emergencies!). And here’s the show-stopper, a whopping 96% of people are eager to try new sweets. Fortunately, those adventurous candy types will find plenty to love at Chocolate Pizza Company.

happy Halloween chocolate pizza

We do Halloween right! This is the season our chocolatiers put on their mad scientist hats and go a little wild. Take our Spookylicious Chocolate Pizza for example. It starts with that same blend of amazing Swiss-style chocolate and homemade English toffee but it goes bonkers on the toppings with chocolate candy and sugar sprinkles in a mish-mash of Halloween colors! Slightly more traditional but just a delicious the “Happy Halloween” Chocolate Pizza stays with a border in the same crazy color pallet surrounding that All Hallows Eve greeting. Served in a custom pizza box both of these Chocolate Pizzas will have the clan howling at the moon.

On the side of treats that will fit into your plastic pumpkin, there’s even more to enjoy. Leading the pack is our Monster Bash Chocolate Pizza slice with its gummy Halloween shapes, chocolate candies and whacky toppings. Close behind is the ever-popular Mummy Slice. A classic for sure, this blend of chocolate and toffee is “wrapped” in white chocolate drizzle with a cute pair of sugar eyes peeking out.

Downsizing a bit further in volume but not taste, the chocolate covered cookies and peanut butter cups with Halloween sugar shape decorations are the bomb. There’s the adorable Halloween Moompa – a chocolate covered Twinkie with serious personality – and the insanely delicious Frank-n-S’more. The Frank-n-S’more takes a squishy marshmallow monster face and sits it atop a chocolate covered graham cracker with wild sugar sprinkles. Pure Halloween genius!

So this Halloween treat your little goblins and ghouls to an upgrade in the sweet treats department. Surprise them with any of the scary good chocolate specialties from Chocolate Pizza Company and watch them sink their fangs into every bite. Put on a scary movie, curl up with the family and huddle around some new favorite sweets. The night just got a lot better!

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